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Tuesday, August 11th, 2009

    Time Event
    Looking for new characters
    Hey everyone, I'm looking for a few characters for my games and I'm hoping this will catch someone's interest.

    Darkness Rising is an extremely active Marauders Era game which takes place during the height of the war in 1978. We have an amazing cast of twelve players and an equally awesome cast of characters and we would love to have some new players around. Everyone is friendly and I'm proud to say we have yet to have any OOC drama (and we plan to keep it that way). I play Bellatrix, Alice, Remus, Emmeline Vance, Sookie Montgomery (Luna's mum), and Marlene McKinnon and we would love to have the following characters:

    -For Bellatrix: Rodolphus Lestrange: He was previously played, but catching up shouldn’t be too hard as he was only played briefly. He and Bellatrix have been working on missions for Voldemort (Bellatrix moreso than he, which could make him jealous, who knows) and trying to bring an heir to the Lestrange family, which is causing a lot of tension between them especially since Rabastan (also up for recasting) has recently gotten married and is expecting twins, which Rodolphus is not too pleased about. *Bellatrix is getting very close to being discovered by the Ministry for Death Eater activity and I would like to have a Rodolphus and Rabastan around before that happens because that would affect them both tremendously.*

    Aside from wanting to see her husband and brother-in-law back around, Bellatrix would like to see Alecto Carrow and Antonin Dolohov around. They are the closest thing Bellatrix has to friends since they are both a little out of their minds and the game isn’t nearly as fun without the deadly trio being united (I know for a fact our other Death Eaters miss them).

    -For Everyone Else: Gideon and Prewett, are wanted by Alice and Molly. They are important to the Order to have around and their family has been dealing with some serious turmoil and they need their support and the Order needs the twins to do their grunt work. *Note: Fabian has been very briefly previously played, he is an Auror and that is his only important game canon.*

    Remus, James, and Sirius would like to see Peter Pettigrew's lazy arse around, especially since James' mum is dying.

    Recuperatio, is a Post-DH game taking place in 2005, revolving around a third war in the Wizarding World, werewolves, serial killers, etc. I play Hermione, Katie, Hannah, Dean, Athena McGonagall (an OC), and Molly Weasle. Characters that we'd like to see are:

    -Weasley's: We have Ron, Arthur, and Ginny in-game and we would love to have the entire crew, George, Percy, Molly, Bill, Fleur, and Charlie. Also, Katie Bell and Dean Thomas would love to see George around because who doesn't love him?
    -Ernie McMillan for our Hannah, who wants her best friend around.
    -Seamus Finnigan and Lee Jordan for our Dean.
    -Oliver Wood, Angelina Johnson, and Alicia Spinnet for our Katie and Roger Davies.
    -Lucius Malfoy (Narcissa and Draco would especially like to see him around) and Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange, along with any other baddies. We can't round up all the old Death Eaters if they aren't around, after all.

    I’m also looking for a Charlie, Frank Longbottom, and Xenophilius Lovegood, information can be found here.

    If anyone is interested in either of these games, I can be reached at

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