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Thursday, July 30th, 2009

    Time Event
    Frank Longbottom, where are you?
    Your wife, Alice, remember her? Yes, she requires your presence, because that baby the two of you lost? It's still killing her and she may lose her sanity without you to be her rock. Also, Alastor Moody, your boss, he needs you around to work on your cases.

    Darkness Rising, an active, MWPP Era game, set in 1978, needs a new Frank Longbottom A.S.A.P. He has been previously played, twice, and this time, we're hoping the third is the charm. Both of his past players weren't very active, posting maybe once or twice a week, so if you're not able to be online at least a few times a week, please don't bother applying, as he's a main character and we need someone who can be around to deal with bigger game plots.

    For some information on his game history: Frank has significant in-game history, so looking through his tags is strongly suggested. Frank and Alice, childhood friends/sweethearts, eloped in March, during Easter break, during which time, Alice fell pregnant with their first child. They kept their marriage and her pregnancy a secret until school was done with. Alice, who has an abusive father, was attacked by her father in early July and the baby was lost. They are both Auror trainees (they were involved in an early training program while in Hogwarts) and are working small cases under Alastor Moody and Rufus Scrimgeour.

    For more information, please contact the mods at or myself here or at

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