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Sunday, July 19th, 2009

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    The Plot - Cannon through Deathly Hallows

    It is August 20, 1998. The dark lord has been destroyed by Harry Potter and the wizarding world rejoiced. The end of the war brought change to the wizarding world, mostly for the better. People, especially muggle borns, no longer live in fear. The ministry has been thoroughly cleaned and is up and running, making themselves ready for elections in the spring.

    The death eaters have been rounded up and some sent to prison but others who claimed to be Imperiused or coerced into service have been released with a pardon and a show of goodwill towards all men. Rodolphus Lestrange at the loss of his wife, claimed the imperius curse and is now working to serve the ministry to prove what he can do for society. He stepped into the political arena speaking for the unity of the wizarding world and has become quite popular with his show of intellect and concern for its well-being. Things are not always as they seem. Now that he has won the title of Minister of Magic, changes are coming.

    After the final battle of Hogwarts, many parents complained to the Ministry Department of Education. Their children did not graduate, nor did they complete exams or get a proper education. There was talk of boycotting the school, forcing it to close. The ministry, and new headmistress, Minerva McGonagal, came up with a plan. They would offer an 8th year to those who should have finished to see that they could get a proper year of schooling and complete everything they needed to. They would have extra liberties as they would be of age as well. Most parents responded favorably and have agreed to send their children to finish the year properly. For those who could not attend, it is also their chance to make up for what they had lost, welcomed back with open arms and an apology from the school and the ministry.

    Everything seems to be going well, but good and evil do go hand in hand and there are forces at work both at Hogwarts and in the Ministry as the dark side tries to reclaim power over the wizarding world. It is often difficult to see who is on what side, but the dark lord's fellowship is alive and well, building up enough momentum until they can rise again.
    About me and the character I play: I am a 26-year-old RPer with over 10 years RP experience. I enjoy threading and plot with imaginative and creative writers! I play two characters at this game. The first is [info]fairmaiden, Penelope Brisbois, a merchant's daughter who has always aspired to do the right thing, but has of late started to question the world she's been hiding in. The second is [info]seekingserenity, Serenity Somerset, a feisty woman who ran away from her life of privilege to escape an arranged marriage, now working at a pub.
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: First of all, I would love a brother for Penny. She has always been caught between her sister ([info]aroundyou), who is their father's favorite, and her brother, who is their mother's. He's definitely a mama's boy! Will any of them get out from under their parent's thumbs? Secondly, Serenity left behind a big family and many sisters and it's inevitable that her past will come back to haunt her, isn't it? But we're also looking for other players for many different roles, so check out our wanted list at [info]enchantedmod!
    Game to join: [info]enchantedmod!

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