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Wednesday, June 17th, 2009

    Time Event
    Seeking to Fill Some Lines
    Hi everyone, I'm Jenn and I'm looking for a few people to entertain my pups.

    The first game I'm looking for people in, is Darkness Rising, which is a a plot centered MWPP Era, plot driven game taking place in 1978.

    I play Bellatrix and I'd love to see Rodolphus around again. He was previously played, but catching up shouldn’t be too hard. He and Bellatrix have been working on missions for Voldemort and trying to bring an heir to the Lestrange family, which is causing a lot of tension between them especially since Rabastan (also up for recasting) has recently gotten married and is expecting twins, which Rodolphus is not too pleased about. Aside from wanting to see her husband and brother-in-law back around, Bellatrix would like to see Alecto Carrow around, who is the closest thing Bellatrix has to a friend since they are both a little out of their minds.

    Other’s I’d like to see include: Alastor Moody, Peter Pettigrew, and the Prewett twins. We also need more Death Eaters and more good guys.

    The second game, Recuperatio, a Post DH game taking place in 2005, revolving around a third war in the Wizarding World, werewolves, serial killers, etc. would love to see Charlie and Ron Weasley. I play Hermione and she and Ron are currently engaged and she is working hard for Elf rights. As for Charlie, one of my characters has been dating him for a few years and she's recently returned to England to take over the job of assistant head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, while he's stayed behind to finish up his work with dragons (the country is really up to the player). For more information about this, drop me a line and I will link you to her character sheet, along with work on storyline things.

    Other we'd love to see:
    -Molly and George Weasley. We have an Arthur and Ginny who would love to see them around. Also, Katie Bell and Dean Thomas would love to see their old friend around.
    -Ernie McMillan for our Hannah, who wants her best friend around.
    -Seamus Finnigan and Lee Jordan for our Dean.
    -Oliver Wood, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Adrian Pucey for our Katie.
    -Lucius Malfoy and Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange, along with any other baddies.

    Thanks for your time and if anyone is interested or has any questions, please contact me at

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