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Sunday, May 10th, 2009

    Time Event
    Seeking Charlie Weasley and others
    Hey there, I’m Jennifer and I’m here on behalf of two games that I hope will catch your interest.

    The first, Quadrivium, is an interim game taking place during 1990 at Hogwarts dealing in character development and setting the foundation for the plot of the books which opened May 09.

    Characters I would love to see around are Charlie Weasley, whom both of my girls, Athena McGonagall (original) and Tonks, would love to have around seeing as he’s their best buddy. Athena also has a thing for him (they’ve all been best friends since childhood) and I’d love to have him around for general character angst. I’d also like an Andromeda and Ted Tonks around for my Tonks. Tonks is a bit of a trouble maker in school and having parents to put her in her place would be fun for me.

    The second game, Post Bellum, is a game that takes place after the epilogue (originally a year after, but in May we'll have been running for a whole year, so it will be two years after the epilogue). Don’t let the fact that we’ve been running for so long scare you, the players are more than happy to catch people up and get them settled in.

    I'd love to see an Ernie McMillan around. Hannah's doing a lot of personal growth that would be a lot easier with her best friend around. I'd also like to see Minerva McGonagall, who is the mother of one of my characters, and Vaisey (former Slytherin). Currently, I've given a name to Mandy's roomate, Josh Vaisey (who could be the same one from the books, or not). They're starting up a band with Melinda Bobbin, Tracey Davis, and Susan Bones. I've npc'ed him a few times, nothing too major, but I'd like to see someone pick him up.

    If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (also my Y!M sn).

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