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Sunday, April 12th, 2009

    Time Event
    The war is over and the pieces are still being put back together, even in 2006. Some how most of the Death Eaters have escaped and have taken up camp in a small village south of Italy. They are being lead by Bellatrix and Roluphos Lestrange and going by the name Daedalus.

    Meanwhile in London, Minister Jones is doing what she can to hunt them down and stop the next war but most people think she’s to late. Under the advisement of Hermione Granger, her undersecretary, she has signed a bill to have the children at Hogwarts trained in DADA. Now she looks to the former Order to help in the up coming war, so what side are you on?

    Game opens May 1st..
    Most Wanted: EVERYONE.

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