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Thursday, January 15th, 2009

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play: Hello! My name is Emma and I play Effie Bennet, Josh Hunter, Wesley Middleton, and Cassie Summers at an awesome supernatural game called Praeter!
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: I have two storylines I would like to fill. The first is for Effie Bennet who lives in London. I would very much to give her her older sister, Lydia Bennet. She is 26 years old. Since birth, Effie has always been madly jealous of Lydia who got all of their parents attention. Lydia was a top student and a talented artist who was fond of their mother's hobbies - sewing, the arts, and classic literature. All of the things that Effie was terrible at. The last Effie heard from her sister, Lydia had graduated with honours and had found the 'perfect' guy. She now works as a successful interior design for a firm in London. Lydia wants to re-connect with her sister, who has ignored her for too long. Lydia is fearful for her sister, whose mental and physical state has seriously declined since Effie went to uni for no apparent reason. Lydia constantly rings and drops by to nag at Effie about her weight and the constant dark circles under her eyes. Lydia has also tried several times to get Effie to sit down for two minutes to discuss with her an important matter. Lydia wants a divorce from that 'perfect' guy asap.

    The second is a roommate for Wesley Middleton who lives in Colorado Springs. He is college-age. Preferably a junior or senior living off-campus while studying at UCCS. The Roommate moved into Wesley's apartment recently when Wesley couldn't pay for the place on his anymore. The two bedroom flat nicknamed the 'Rat Trap' due to its compact size is located within good driving distance of UCCS. Which is perfect for The Roommate who slacks off and skips class to play video games and sit in front of his computer doing whatever it is that he does. Wesley cannot stand him, but keeps his mouth shut. The Roommate thinks he is Wesley's best friend and is constantly nagging at him to stop being so 'srs'. The Roommate has no idea that Wesley can hear everything he thinks - including the fact that he thinks Wesley is a little too old for a roommate and might as well move back in with his parents at this rate.

    If those don't strike your fancy, please check out Praeter's storyline page, where there are many other storylines to be filled. We could definitely use some more people from Colorado Springs. I would especially like a friend for Wesley. Particularly a female best friend sort. Either way, please come check out the game! We are awesome, active, and have absolutely fabulous mods and players!
    Game to join: [info]praeter via [info]archival.

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