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Saturday, January 3rd, 2009

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play: Hey! I'm Cassie and recently just picked up Leanne Yaxley ([info]simplysweet). Leanne is almost two years out of Hogwarts (over at [info]resurrectio_rpg) and is, unfortunately, the daughter of a Death Eater. Why is that unfortunate? Well, the new Minister is Kingsley Shacklebolt and under his leadership a new law came out, that effects spouses and adult children (possibly whole families) of known Death Eaters. More info on this can be found here. Leanne is effected by this new law and its really hurting her as she is currently employed in the Department of International Cooperation. Essentially, she's been a bit demoted, having been the Head of the departments assistant, now she doesn't get to do as much.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: Why we are in desperate need of our Minister Shacklebolt. It would also be nice to see the role of Carl Robins, the Head of the Department of International Cooperation filled. All we have is a name for you there, and the fact that he supports these laws, but the rest is up to you! Leanne would like to see her mum, Adelinde Yaxley (a former Rosier), in play as well.

    If none of those characters appeal to you, this game has a whole slew of characters open, from 5th year on up to any trio-era aged, or older, person in play. Especially those working for the Ministry, in support of these laws. There is also a list of very much wanted characters from already in play characters here

    Game to join: Why stop on by at [info]resurrectio_rpg via [info]resurrectio_mod. The game has been around since last April, but as Harry Potter and his friends are on the way out of school, this AU game is as good as new. So check it out and join in on the fun at this game.

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