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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Looking for a Charlie Weasley!!!
    About me and the character I play: I play HESTIA JONES and would like to find a Charlie who can mesh well with her background and pursue an active future storyline that may or may not involve future shipping. (I'd prefer if it did, but even if it didn't it would still be fun!) HESTIA'S BACKGROUND IS HERE.
    Character wanted to fill a SL: Charlie Weasley!!
    Game to join: I play various characters at 2 games ([info]timesandtrials & [Bad username: the_love_boat)]About Me: My name is Alicia. I'm 24. Creative Writing is my minor. Excellent grammar & spelling. Active! Friendly! Over 10 years on a variety of mediums (tabletop, chatrooms, messageboards, yahoogroups, journals, etc). Six years in the HP fandom. Current/Previous characters/games are located here at my character journal on ij.

    looking for players
    About me and the character I play: Hello! I'm Julia and I'm here on behalf of Resurrectio RPG. The game has been going strong since April 08, but now is the perfect time to jump right in. The war is over, but the old wounds are still bleeding. The trio's year is heading out into the real world in a time where innocents are persecuted and rivalries run deep. New friendships have formed, old ones have perished, and families are trying to support each other.

    Character wanted to fill a SL & why:

    a) We have several popular roles open in the trio's year such as HARRY POTTER, DAPHNE GREENGRASS, ANTHONY GOLDSTEIN, MORAG MACDOUGAL, and ZACHARIAS SMITH.

    b) Our players also desperately want GEORGE WEASLEY, ADRIAN PUCEY, ANGELINA JOHNSON, LEE JORDAN, and CHO CHANG.

    c) Since we're going into a new school year in two months, we need our Head Girl, K BUNDY, as well as those willing to play PREFECTS. While we have several listed fifth-seventh year students, many spots are open to modified original characters -- we accept any canonical surnames!

    d) We have a good group of adults, but we're specifically looking for Ministry workers in support of the new regime. Family members of played characters are always welcome too!

    e) And if my personal wish list isn't enough, go here to see exactly who the players want! You can also check out all available characters here.

    Game to join: [info]resurrectio_rpg via [info]resurrectio_mod.

    Don't worry about joining an "established" game. The updated plot is all you need to know to jump right in for most characters. There are regular mod supplied events and plot points, but since this is also a collaborative game, all players are encouraged to contribute in his or her way.

    Hope to see you there! ♥!

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