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Monday, December 8th, 2008

    Time Event
    Looking to play Teen Snape
    Name: Shiva
    Age: Old enough to know better, but still too young to care. (Don't worry, I'll meet your age requirements -- probably twice over -- since I'm well over 30.)
    Contact: Comments, please.

    Fandom: Harry Potter
    Genre: Marauder Era AU
    Character: Severus Snape
    PB Preference: Jake Richardson (although if he is taken, I'm open to suggestions)

    My Snape is your basic nerd. If he'd been a Muggle, he would have been a chemist or physicist (or both). He's also a proto-Goth. His fascination with the Dark Arts is ananlogous to your typical emo Muggle teenage boy carrying around a well-thumbed copy of The Anarchist Cookbook, with his potion and curse experimentation replacing dabbling in bombs. In other words, he's mostly harmless, but he relishes the appearance of being bad, and he manages to get in over his head with the Death Eaters because of that.

    Format: No -- I repeat, NO -- AIM. Journals/Threads only. I don't like messaging programs, and I won't use them at all -- even for required game plotting chats or stuff. This is the one area in which I'm entirely inflexible.
    Journal Preference: IJ >>> LJ. I'll look at LJ games, but I'm not crazy about LJ, and your game will have to really blow me away for me to consider playing on LJ.

    Experience: I've been RPing off and on for 10+ years. Unfortunately, most of my threads were on GJ and have been comment-rotted to death. :-( I can e-mail other samples upon request, although I'd rather just include them in an application.

    One Last Thing: I'm looking for a Marauder Era AU for a reason. IMO, Snape got a raw deal in the books, and I'd like to give him a better life. I'm not necessarily looking for Snily, but rather a chance to repair their friendship (if post-5th year), or possibly not have it end in the first place (if pre-5th year). That said, I wouldn't consider the possibility of Snily to be out of the question, either.
    Looking for a Charlie Weasley
    About me and the character I play:I play HESTIA JONES and would like to find a Charlie who can mesh well with her background and pursue an active future storyline that may or may not involve future shipping. HESTIA'S BACKGROUND IS HERE. (I'd prefer if it did, but even if it didn't it would still be fun!)
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: Charlie Weasley!!
    Game to join: I play various characters at 2 games (timesandtrials & the_love_boat) and would like to pick up Hestia at either one if there is a Charlie to play with her.

    About Me: My name is Alicia. I'm 24. Creative Writing is my minor. Excellent grammar & spelling. Active! Friendly! Over 10 years on a variety of mediums (tabletop, chatrooms, messageboards, yahoogroups, journals, etc). Six years in the HP fandom. Current/Previous characters/games are located here at my character journal on ij.


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