gamesearch's Journal
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Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

    Time Event
    looking for a game...
    Character[s] wanted: Hannah Abbott

    About me: My name is Julia and I've been RPing for four years now. I prefer email and OOC boards for plotting though I will hop on IM programs when necessary. I am online most every day and while my schedule varies, I can usually reply to journal entries/threads pretty regularly. While I'm interested in finding Hannah a place first, I also love playing males and adults so once Hannah is settled somewhere, I'd probably pick up some of those as well. You can read about Hannah here.

    What I want in a game: I want a character driven game that still has mods/players giving random characters a chance to interact whether it be through balls, battles, or character pairing plots. I want freedom to write my character without pressure to conform to any pre-established plots (lots of backstory for rarely mentioned canon characters) or fandom notions (certain ships, specific pbs, etc). I am probably happiest in an AU environment at the moment, but all types of games are welcomed. I specifically want a school era game, however.

    What I don't want in a game: I don't want characters who won't reply to journal entries. I get most of my plotting from random comments and interactions and find it's not fun when characters are just sticking to their canon best buds and housemates. I'm also not into group chats/games with heavy reliance on IM programs. I can't really keep up and prefer to keep IC and OOC as separate as possible (though that's not to say I won't fall in love and friend you at some point :D).

    Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: Anything but message boards please!

    Thanks for reading! ♥

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