gamesearch's Journal
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Thursday, October 16th, 2008

    Time Event
    looking for a player to fill a sl!
    About me and the character I play:

    Hello! I'm Julia and I play Hannah Abbott at a canon fifth year game. Hannah is a generally happy girl if a bit tightly wound up. She's fiercely loyal to her friends and family and though naturally timid, defends them against any negativity. Her bio is listed here.

    As for me, I don't tend to use IM programs, but I'm very available via email, PM, and journals. I'm on for a bit most every day and while more 'major' threads can take a few days to complete, I tend to be very on top of journal interaction.

    Character wanted to fill a SL & why: I personally would love a close female friend in her dorm. I have absolutely NO preference on the character's personality other than she like Hannah (clearly!). Slots that are open include: Megan Jones, Susan Bones, and Sally-Anne Perks.

    Game to join: [info]12gp_rpg via [info]12gp_mods. The game itself has been running since August, but the bigger plots are just starting now as it is October in game. There's usually always a journal to reply to, but thread activity isn't overwhelming or hard to follow.

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