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Friday, October 10th, 2008

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play: My name's Chels, and I play Regulus Black ([info]regulus) and Beth Frobisher ([info]hi_mynameisbeth) at [info]blurred_lines. I'm not specifically here for Regulus (FOR ONCE!), but Beth is an optimistic, romantic Gryffindor girl from the year above the Marauders. She was recently brought into the Order after seeing them in a battle against the Death Eaters (she was there as a Healer).
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: This time, I am only specifically looking for (M) KIRKE for Beth, who is the Future Mrs Kirke and will someday give birth to Andrew Kirke. I don't want an OMG MUST HAVE NOTHING BUT ROMANCE, WHO NEEDS OTHER PLOT? type of deal, and they may or get engaged/married/whatnot in game depending on the dynamic established, but I would enjoy having him around. :) I haven't set any specific personality or name for him because I don't want to back any potential applicants into a corner, but all I ask is that you chat with me before picking up so we can see how we think they'll mesh.

    Other characters/character types that we are wanting: Hitwizards, people of color (yay diversity~), male Aurors, Mulciber Sr.
    Game to join: [info]blurred_lines via [info]blurred_mods. The application pool is open once again, yay! BL has been going strong for a solid eight months, and I seriously recommend it so highly. I know it looks really intimidating with the detail and the backstory, but we new-player-friendly with timelines, monthly summary posts, and a friendly player base -- and I promise I'm not just being biased. :)
    Ohhhh Miiiichael?
    About me and the character I play: My name is Alex, and I play one Terry Boot.
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: Terry and Anthony need a good Michael Corner to fill our Ravenclaw Trio! The game hasn't started yet so we'd have plenty of time to work out a good trio dynamic. There's some hope on this end that Michael will be the more troubled, angsty or dark of the trio. Terry is a goofy optimist who tries to play grease between the wheels of Michael and Anthony. Anthony is sort of a tightwad who needs Michael and Terry to break loose. Terry needs Michael and Anthony to stay relatively grounded. So its all very symbiotic.
    Game to join:Hallowed Ground, a community-focused 7th Year HP Game.

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