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Monday, September 15th, 2008

    Time Event
    Heya, I'm Frost and I play Fred Weasley over at [info]the_love_boat, sadly George keeps up and disappearing on him, leaving him to be one very sad and lonely Weasley. He's not so sure he can handle it anymore, considering how close they are. This is a twincest-type relationship.

    Alternately, I'm sure our Hermione would love to see a Ron Weasley, James and Sirius would love a Remus, Harry could use a Draco to annoy him and Percy really rather misses Oliver Wood.

    Game to Join: [info]the_love_boat - it's an AU game that throws time lines out the window. Anyone and everyone can find themselves on the Floating Vagabond -- a cruise ship that seems to be lost in place and time.

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