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Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play: Hi! I'm Meg, and I have Lucy Weasley, fifth year Hufflepuff and all around sweetheart. She's sort of hopelessly nice, rather innocent and naive about people as a whole, and a helluva lot of gullible. Because people don't lie, right? Who would do that? She's also the seeker for the Hufflepuff team, which she is, incidentally, better at than she is at academics (much to the dismay of her parents).
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: I'd like Lysdander Scamander in particular, and of course Lorcan, first off! It would be splendid fun to have Luna's progeny about, to interact with! They're both fifth years, and Lysander is actually in Lucy's house (Lorcan is a Gryffindor) and I think her tendancy to believe anything would be interesting to play against children-of-Luna. :) Friends, best friends, crushes - I'm up for anything. Lysander is set to be a Chaser on the Hufflepuff team, so I'm inclined to think he'd be the sort of boy Lucy could pine after - it should be noted her idea of 'dating' is eating out and hanging out like friends but (GASP) holding hands. After that, I'd like to ask all Hufflepuff boys of the fifth-year variety to show themselves, as the girls are either taken and on hold and dearly need their yearmates!
    Game to join: [info]gn_mod The game is set to start August 1st but the backstory comm is open, so we could log there! :)

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