gamesearch's Journal
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Sunday, March 30th, 2008

    Time Event
    Character[s] wanted: I'm looking to play just about any character here. I'd love a post-DH (especially for Ginny and Hermione) game or a First War game for my older characters (especially Bella and Rosmerta). But I'm open to anything if the game's interesting and there's plot-a-plenty! Poke me and we'll chat! Also I'd like to find a Charlie Weasley to play against my HESTIA JONES! Her history is here! And maybe even Amycus to play against my ALECTO CARROW! Her history is here!
    ***You know what... I'd also like to find a Lost game to play Claire Littleton in. Preferably and AU type game that starts season 1 and goes from there, but I'm open to other seasons/variations. I just really want to play Claire!
    What I want in a game: What I'm looking for in a game is activity and quality. I like at least 10 characters before I join. Although I will certainly consider new games that have fewer characters as long as the mods and players are dedicated. I'm not really fond of AU games, but if it's really really good, I'll consider it. I am a canon whore. No joke. I love the lexicon.
    What I don't want in a game: What I'm not looking for in a game pretty much follows the usual: mean people, bad grammar, crap spelling, netspeak, inactivity, etc etc.
    Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: Anywhere is fine with me.
    boring stuff about me )

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