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Friday, March 21st, 2008

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play: Hello! I'm Julia and yes I've been here before. ;P I've been RPing for over three years and love creating "big plot" to carry out over several months. I have modded several games, all which have lasted six months-two years, and I'm set to open an AU seventh year game in early April. As such, we're still looking for a few key characters.

    Character wanted to fill a SL & why: Specifically, this post is asking for the following:

    RON WEASLEY: The roles of Harry and Hermione are filled by two active and talented players so if you're a Ron sick of losing your fellow trio members, look no further! We also have a few more housemates for Ron to interact with including Lavender and Seamus. I play Ernie MacMillan and I know he's excited to find his sorta friend as well!

    MALE STUDENTS: While we have a few males already cast, we'd adore some more balance. Some roles we'd love to see filled are: Colin Creevey, Dean Thomas, Blaise Zabini (a replacement prefect!), Wayne Hopkins, and Michael Corner.

    RECENT ALUMNI: Alicia, Angelina, and Oliver are waiting for their friends and enemies!

    ADULTS: My Tonks would adore some mates and my MacMillan Sr. could also use some company.

    Game to join: Even if the above roles don't float your boat, I really recommend any player interested in detail and canon characteristics while remaining flexible to in game chemistry and plots to check out this game. We officially begin April 1st, but you can check out our backstory community, [info]before_renewal to get a feel for the game. Check [info]resurrectio_mod for more information. ♥
    Character[s] wanted:ANY ERA: Alecto Carrow, Madame Rosmerta, Andromeda Black-Tonks, Narcissa Black-Tonks! POST-DH (epilogue compliant or not): Ginny Weasely-Potter, Hermione Granger-Weasley, Gabrielle Delacour, Penelope Clearwater, Lavender Brown, Romilda Vane, Mafalda Prewett! FIRST WAR: Bellatrix Black, Dorcas Meadows.
    What I want in a game: Mostly I'm looking for PSL one-on-one type stuff. But if your game looks good, organize, active, etc, I'll def put in an app.
    What I don't want in a game: The usual, mary-sues, bad grammar, etc.
    Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: Any at all. Mostly one-on-one, though.
    Name: Le
    Age: 22
    Experience: I have over 10 years on a variety of mediums (tabletop, chatrooms, messageboards, yahoogroups, journals, etc). 10 in the SM fandom, 7 in BtVS, 6 in HP, 5 in VC.
    More information You can find all the profiles for characters I have played/can play/will play here at my character journal.
    Contact Info: I'm very accessable on aim (shadowboxrrbaby) or yim/email ( and very friendly!
    Etcetera: I'm looking for a one-on-one or a GJ/LJ game. I'm willing to start yesterday! I'm so bored and so ready to get back into the rp scene!

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