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Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Character[s] wanted: Viktor Krum
    What I want in a game: What I want is pretty simple. A canon game, obviously. I'd prefer a Post-War game, but if you've got a seventh year game to offer that Viktor could possible fit in, then by all means, suggest a game. Something established would be nice.
    What I don't want in a game: Post-Potter as in when the trio's kids are attending school. God modding. Non-canon games, such as Voldemort and Hermione attempt to make a love child, or something of that nature. My demands are small, give Viktor a good home, where he'd actually fit in.
    Side note: The pb Gaspard Ulliel has to be free, I like using him as Viktor.
    Where do you prefer? IJ/LJ/GJ/SCRIBBLD/OTHER: IJ

    About me and the character I play: Hello! My name is Kacey and I'm the mod over at [info]time_of_trial, where I also play Mandy Brocklehurst and Lily Potter. We're an A.U. game based on what would've happened if Voldemort hadn't gotten the prophecy concerning Harry, and we're desparetly in need of some major characters before we start the game.
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: We are desperatley in need of a Remus Lupin,James Potter and Peter Pettigrew. We've already got a Sirius and he wants his best mates! Harry would love to his best mate Ron Weasley. He might also begrudingly like to have a Draco Malfoy.

    Game to join: [info]time_of_trial. All the Information is at my mod journal at Here. If you have any more questions, feel free to IM me at LittleLotte06 (AIM).
    Hey everyone. I'm Cassie and (to save your flists from being spammed) I am advertising for several of my characters in different games for characters that they would really love to have around.

    First, I play Shannon Ryskamp ([info]healingshan) and Aiden Lynch ([info]a_lynch) over at [info]madworldrp which is a MWPP 6th year game set in real time and same date. For Shannon I would absolutely love to see her future husband MICHAEL CORNER. In the beginning he was originally played and there are only two threads from this character involvement, but there are other things that have happened since then. Currently Shannon would rather not have anything to do with him, yet in a few years they are supposed to get married and then have Michael Corner. I would love to have someone play him so that the two can evolve and realize that they can't be without each other. For Aiden I would love to see some more 4th year boys. He's currently the only one and the only interaction he gets is from his fellow 4th year Gryffindor. Plus there are loads of other open characters just waiting to be played. Check out [info]madworldrp!

    Second, I play Lisa Goldstein (formerly Turpin; [info]goldenlisa) over at [info]magnum_bonum, which is a Future-Gen but only canon through HBP with the focus on adults and children. She would love to see her husband ANTHONY GOLDSTEIN. They currently have three children and the oldest ALEX GOLDSTEIN can be played. Just check out Lisa's info for some of the family information and the rest is up to you. Plus there are other adults and children you can play as well, so check out [info]magnum_bonum!

    Third, I play Penelope Clearwater ([info]pennyclearwater) and Lisa Turpin ([info]lised_writer) at [info]riseofancients which is a Postwarts. Penelope would love to have PERCY WEASLEY. And I'm sure Ginny and Ron would love to see him too. As far as backstory, they have just reconnected after 10 years, so their relationship can be worked on. Also, Penelope would love to have another friend her age as well. For Lisa I would love to see the rest of her former housemates Morag, Kevin, Anthony, & Stephen. Also, there are still plenty of open characters so check out [info]riseofancients

    Finally, I play Isabelle Boot (lj user="belledboot">) at [info]amortentiarpg Future-Gen DH canon with the children at Hogwarts. Isabelle would love to see the missing 1/3 in her life (the Boot, Corner, Goldstein trio that is), DAVID GOLDSTEIN. She also happens to have a crush on him. This game also has several characters open as well, so if a future gen game is what you want, check out [info]amortentiarpg!

    I hope you join one of these games!

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