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Sunday, January 20th, 2008

    Time Event
    About me and the character I play:
    Hi, my name is Maddie, I'm looking for plot to fill with my character in a 7th year Harry Potter game at scribbld. Riddikulus (former snoggers at GJ), where new journals are now open again. :) My character's name is Samuel Harper, a 6th year Slytherin, and he's the typical player type of character, love to have fun, love to joke and he says pretty much anyway to have a laugh. Though deep down he is a very carying guy. He's bisexual, and I'm looking for a plot to fill for a future boyfriend or any sort of relationship with another guy and him. (I will be willing to give you one of my early adopter accounts with 150 icons for free for him)
    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: Any male character that could be bi/gay.
    Game to join: If you're interested in playing a character like that, please apply at Riddikulus, it's a very active, nice game with good mods, been around for a few weeks now since it moved to scribbld, new characters are very well taken care of. If you would like to speak to me about this plot before taking him up, please just ask for my aim sn. :)
    About me and the character I play: I'm Alicia, and I play Narcissa Malfoy at [info]anapneo. We're currently searching for a couple really important characters, so the game can get moving. [info]anapneo is a canon, post-warts, Marauder-era roleplay that just opened last week.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why:

    LUCIUS MALFOY: Narcissa would love to see her husband around. Plus, the game really needs Death Eaters of the permanently bad variety (we only have Snape and Regulus)
    BELLATRIX LESTRANGE: Another very important Death Eater, and we need her to cause havoc.
    OTHER DEATH EATERS: Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Alecto Carrow, Wilkes, Selwyn, Gibbon, Macnair, Yaxley... you get the idea :)

    Game to join: [info]anapneo via [info]anapneomod. Come check us out!
    Looking for players:
    About me and the character I play: Hello there! I'm JoAnna and I play Pansy Parkinson, Penny Clearwater and Arthur Weasley at Oracle, a post-war game set in 2000.

    Character wanted to fill an SL & why: My Arthur would be happy with anyone his age, Penny would like to have some Ravenclaw friends around and Pansy's desperate for Draco. I have to mention that we'd love Harry and Hermione as well.

    Game to join: Oracle @ CJ

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