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10 gamer icons! ;-) [16 Feb 2005|08:53pm]

[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Oasis - wonderwall ]

Okay, so you posted icons and now it's my turn! eheh. :-P

Gamers Icons )

3 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

Icons [16 Feb 2005|05:08pm]

[ mood | busy ]

Here are some Icons bases I made from Super Smash Brothers Melee.

Please comment if you are taking.
Don't need to credit.
Hope you like them.

Melee Icons )

3 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

[10 Feb 2005|10:18pm]


:: how nintendo are you? ::
3 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

A Newbie Post [10 Feb 2005|04:29pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Hello everyone. I'm slowly becoming addicted to the IJ world, so I thought I would post here as well. I am a big gamer, have been playing games for as long as I can remember. I currently got a Nintendo 64 again (Yay!), but had a bad run in with EB Games selling me a jumper pack, claiming it was an expansion pack. (For those who don't know, jumper packs are the things that come with the N64 originally. So I paid more than the price of a N64 for something I didn't need, grr!)

I am currently re-playing Mario 64, playing Disgaea and currently wanting to start on FFIX. I must say how much of a fun game Disgaea is - I hear Phantom Brave isn't as good. That makes me sad a bit, since I plan on getting Phantom Brave if I ever get to the end of Disgaea.

I also play World of Warcraft and am on the Silvermoon server. My most known characters are Kattu and Etna, but I haven't been able to play a lot as of recently :( Feel free to mail me or chat with me if you see me in-game - I love making new friends and helping others out!

So yeah. Hello everyone !

3 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

And the winner is........... [10 Feb 2005|07:22pm]

[ mood | creative ]

This is the new Icon for [info]gamers. Congratulations [info]bri and going to do something for you but have to think about what it's going to be.

Thanks to all the users that submitted and voted. I might be doing an Icon contest over in [info]legend_of_zelda so be ready for that, if anyone cares of course.

I feel just like that guy from Wind Waker. With the bomb game and the pictures where you can put your face in.

2 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

[05 Feb 2005|11:59pm]

[ mood | annoyed ]

How is the icon contest going?


2 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

Resident Evil 4 [03 Feb 2005|09:24pm]

[ mood | calm ]

I have just recently got Resident Evil 4 and have to say I'm addicted to it. I haven't been able to put down the wavebird in quite sometime. It's graphic as awesome and gameplay is great. If your into games that scare the crap out of you, all "Only for GameCube" residents are your best bet! In this resident Evil you play a Leon S. Kennedy the star from Resient Evil 3 or 2........I haven't played either. This game is Non-stop action. And has a tendence to keep you on your toes. It's rated M for Mature so if you're not into kicking people's head into about a thousand little piece. Do Not get this game.

I rate this a FIVE our of five.

hahah I just rated my first game.

3 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

PSP Launch Date has been annouced. [03 Feb 2005|06:17pm]


YES! ^^
1 Game Over Can you hit the target? lets try this again. [30 Jan 2005|12:29pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | "Down with the Sickness" By: Richard Cheese ]

Well! Ok I [info]bri decide to do that Icon Contest! HAHAhahmmmmmmm...hem. It will be based on Comedy any type of Video Game Icon! Official art or Screen shots are allowed, not fan art. The icon must be able to be uploaded in IJ. So that means follow the rules (File size must be less than 40k, Image dimensions must be no larger than 100x100 pixels, and File format must be either PNG, GIF or JPG).
This are the members that can vote and submit an icon. If you join after this post you can't vote. But new members are always Welcome. I just don't want people joining to vote for their friend. So I will be watching. O.O


And Please just one icon per person. If you win I will either make a banner for you or......make it the new Icon of this Asylum. I don't know yet.

Post the Icon in the following Format:

Post your Icon in a comment to this Post. I will screen the comment so that no one sees it. So Comment on this Post. Do not Post your Icon in the asylum as an Update. Ok?

That is the Example, I just made. Not the greatest but hey, it took about a minute to do.

Contest will end Friday, at 5:00PM eastern time. On Saturday or maybe Friday the Voting will start.

Good luck. Hopefully at least two people will submit an icon. hahaha. Good luck again.

Can you hit the target?

[29 Jan 2005|04:39pm]

Hey [info]pistolero, are you ever going to do an icon contest?
3 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

[18 Jan 2005|10:21am]

We beat all the one player modes on smash bros. melee with all 25 characters. :-)

yay. I love that addicting. suck on it.
2 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

star wars. [11 Jan 2005|11:13pm]

[ mood | contemplative ]

Adam is addicted to Star War's knights of the republic. He got both of them for Christmas. He is playing the first one right now... its hard to get him away. LMBO. I bet right now he's home playing it. lol.

Speaking of Star Wars - ya'all know that the 3rd episode is coming out in May 2005?

7 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

The Legends of Zelda: The Minish Cap [05 Jan 2005|08:25pm]

[ mood | curious ]

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap )

The Legend of Zelda Series Fulfills )

1 Game Over Can you hit the target?

addict. [05 Jan 2005|07:49pm]

OMGOSH! I'm soooo addicted to Smash Bros. Melee along with Adam! HELP! lmbo.
1 Game Over Can you hit the target?

HA! [04 Jan 2005|10:21pm]

[ mood | creative ]

Yea, I beat Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine today. Stupid queer wouldn't let me win, but I showed him! :-)

12 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

[30 Dec 2004|12:31pm]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Resident Evil 4: 12 Days left.

Can you hit the target?

smash bros. melee [30 Dec 2004|11:21am]

Adam got a gaycube!!! Now we can play Smash Bros. Melee!!! Woot woot!

Its an awesome game and I really like it. We got all but two characters left to get, and I think we still need most of the stages. Blah. :-)

Who is your favorite character on it?
I'm still a samus aran fan... Zelda/Sheik, Pichu, and Pikachu are also kewl.
2 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

[23 Dec 2004|08:12pm]


I just would like to wish everyone Happy Holiday wishes, warm thoughts, and safe travels.

May your Christmas and New Years be filled with much happiness and shared with those you love. :-)


Can you hit the target?

"The strongest will survive." [23 Dec 2004|12:15pm]

[ mood | content ]

Last night I was watch G4tv on Direct TV. X play was the show that was on at the moment. They were trying to see which one was the stronger or tougher system. They had a GameCube, an XBox, and a PS2.

First they dropped a 25 pound weight from a ladder onto one of the systems one at a time. Then they were tested to see if they were still playable. The GameCube made it, as well as the Xbox. But the PS2 didn't. Wouldn't turn on. The Xbox looked find and the GameCube lost a few pieces.

Second they hit the two remain ones with a sledge Hammer. They both survived. Surprisingly.

Thirdly, they dropped the GameCube and the Xbox. A 10 foot drop onto a hardboard floor. The GameCube's disc cover was holding on by a just a little piece of plastic. The Xbox's whole front blew off. They couldn't even try to turn on the Xbox because the button flew off with everything else. The GameCube was next, it was in really bad shape but it was the only one that would still turn on.

So they concluded, that the GameCube was the tougher one of the Three Systems.

Just thought I would say it.

5 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

[22 Dec 2004|01:56pm]

So... instead of running a funny icon contest, just an icon contest?
2 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

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