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[04 Nov 2006|09:34am]
[ mood | cheerful ]

Play Station 3 Releasing Nov. 17

Nintendo Wii Releasing Nov. 19 along with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
(more on Wii later)

Is anyone else as excited about this as I am!?

Can you hit the target?

[04 Nov 2006|03:38pm]
[ mood | lazy ]
[ music | Hoshi no Suna - Gackt ]

Hello!  I thought since I had other things I should be doing, I'd introduce myself here.

I'm not as much of a gamer as other people, though I enjoy playing video games.  I started playing video games when I was young, I can't remember exactly how old I was, but it all started with SNES, I think.  I loved playing those Mario games.  xD  I can't remember titles, I just remember playing them. 

I'm not much into very violent games, and I'm not into very difficult games.  I lose patience with these things very easily, so I can't handle things that have a lot of riddles and puzzles to solve.  I've mostly played various Mario games, The Legend of Zelda, Golden Sun, Breath of Fire, Pokemon, Donkey Kong Land (I think), and several other random ones.  I've played (and owned) SNES, GameCube, and pretty much every version of Game Boy.  I've played PlayStation a couple of times with a friend.  I'm not much into computer games.  I've played The Sims, The Crystal Key, some Babies game (I can't remember if "Babies" was the title or not), and that's pretty much it.  I played some computer game in a class in high school but I don't remember what it was called. 

The game system that I use the most is Game Boy.  Basically because I don't like to sit still and play a video game, I like to be able to move to different rooms.  I can't move the GameCube that easily.  My favorite games are Breath of Fire 1 and 2 (for Game Boy), and all The Legend of Zelda games I've played (for SNES, Game Boy, and GameCube).  And as for favorite characters, I don't know.  

And I think that's pretty much it.  Sometime later, after I think about it, I might be able to tell who my favorite characters are.

2 Game Overs Can you hit the target?

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