Safe and Sane: 51st Century Edition.'s Journal
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Below are the 14 most recent journal entries recorded in Safe and Sane: 51st Century Edition.'s InsaneJournal:

    Tuesday, February 1st, 2011
    11:56 am
    "Yes," he said, without looking up from pouring his coffee, in a hotel lobby, "I bit him."
    Saturday, January 22nd, 2011
    7:16 pm
    For Fan
    Bermuda. How...human. But Rory had put his foot down, and told the Doctor to take them somewhere sedate and warm, after that fiasco with the flying fish. Holiday themes were right out, too. He and Amy were going to get a few days of proper honeymoon, even if it killed him. (Again. But he hoped not.) And just to be sure the Doctor would get them on time, the Doctor could surely take a few days on the beach himself? Just. Far away. On the other side of the island, please.

    The Doctor has disgruntledly parked the TARDIS. He was now settled in a chair, a panama hat pulled down over his eyes and forgotten drink next to him. He's in his tweed jacket, oblivious to the heat.
    Monday, January 17th, 2011
    7:58 pm
    Becky's Jack
    Continued from

    "Your biorhythms are different from human average. You didn't sleep that long," the Doctor pointed out.
    Monday, January 10th, 2011
    1:03 pm
    He woke up on the Game Station. He saw the Tardis leave. He'd programmed his vortex manipulator, aiming roughly for the 21st century on earth. Unfortunately, it was more than a little scrambled by the Dalek ray that had taken him out - and why he wasn't still out, he didn't know- and it reverted to a preset location.

    That preset location happened to be a pleasure planet in his native time. He recognized it with something like a frown, tried to get his manipulator to respond and when it failed to be capable of doing anything useful, took a walk.

    That walk took him right past a blue-box that was as out of place as it could be.

    He used his key, let himself in and then stopped, stared and said, "Uh."

    Real eloquent there, Harkness.
    Friday, December 17th, 2010
    8:47 pm
    Hotch is at the bar, a glass of whiskey in hand and an empty glass at his elbow. He turns when someone sits down beside him. "I've got the drink." Pure reflex; he's being polite. Well, sort of.
    Sunday, December 12th, 2010
    1:36 pm
    The Doctor was a bit over dressed for this bar. Not that any one blinked at such things around here. He just didn't quite fit in with the rest of the mood.

    He looked at the person who had slid onto a stool next to him.

    "Really cheap strawberry wine," he said conversationally. It wasn't a complete non sequitur, because he had a glass in front on him. "I can never account for these things."
    Sunday, December 5th, 2010
    1:20 pm
    Jack was dressed classically that he didn't really stand out. He'd replaced his slacks with jeans, lost the braces. That left him in jeans, boots, a button down shirt over a t-shirt and boots.

    Not flashy, but that was okay. There was enough charisma and presence radiating off him that he was anything but lost. He turned when he felt Adam approaching the bar where he was cooling off and having a bottle of water. "Need a drink?"
    12:00 pm
    Olivia gasped for air when he felt the world snap into place, and opened her eyes.

    She was standing on a pretty open sidewalk, and much to her disappointment, there wasn't any water in sight.

    Except for the water that dripping off of her head to toe. She was clothed, in a black jacket and black pants, but very clearly soaking wet. Oh, and armed, with a gun tucked into a holster at the back of her pants.

    "Not in Kansas anymore," she muttered. Where the hell was she?
    11:28 am
    In honor of their child's first birthday, Jonathan took all three members of his family (three! Not just him. He wouldn't get over that any time soon)to a bathing pleasure resort around 200 miles from Lechance. At the facility there were nurses on hand to care for the children while the parents bathed in hot springs, traveled half an hour to the sea to take in the invigorating hot air, or simply replaced in the warm California sun for picnics and the like. Of course, only 51st technology could manage the 'antiqued' experience in this manner, but since they'd had no idea- they'd simply stepped through a single door at the entrance in the 1800s and ended up in the future resort, they had no idea.

    After settling the bairn with the nannies and making a promise that if there were any problems, Mr. and Mrs. Ibis would be immediately informed, Jonathan coaxed Effie into the one of the spring alcoves.

    A series of hot springs, each made private by some form of trees blocking view and sound of the others, made up the principle appeal of the resort. Jonathan coaxed Effie into one, holding her hand lightly before looking around the small pool area and realizing they were quite private- private enough for him to lean forward and kiss her softly on her lips.
    10:30 am
    "Ha!" The Doctor did a little spin around, then leaned up against a pillar to lick it. "Um, um, 51st century oh interesting, this place is full of oh, lots of portals, ton of time travel, so much space travel and oh, I did it."

    He grinned, sticking his hands in his back pockets, "I am a genius. Oh, also, drinks," he headed over to the bar for a banana daiquiri. "Do you want one?" he asked someone he was walking by on the way, not bothering to specify a) that "one" was a drink b) what drink it was.
    1:19 pm
    It was a party. Of course it was a party, there was always a party, and this party explained why Adam was shirtless and wearing a pair of black, feathered, glittering wired wings strapped to his shoulders to go with his black, soft, entirely unglittering leather pants.

    And the reason he wasn't on the dancefloor was definitely that he'd followed the beautiful guy into a side room, utterly delighted to find him alone there. Alone with a couch. The possibilities were fantastic. "So if you'd rather be alone, you should probably say so right now."
    Thursday, December 2nd, 2010
    10:06 am
    "You're not the coffee drinker I was looking for," the Doctor remarked with gentle amusement when he came into the little lounge Jack was in. He was a tux with tails and a wonderful top hat, if he did say so himself.

    The Master had restlessly wandered off not too long ago.

    The Doctor frowned down at a lonely cup of coffee that was sitting on the floor by a chair. Odd.
    Tuesday, November 30th, 2010
    7:31 pm
    [ Open }
    Sometimes he couldn't believe he'd lived this long. Sometimes he couldn't believe the world had lasted this long. Of course, the world had expanded a lot. Or his world view had or ... That was the problem with being really, really old. His thoughts got rambly.

    And when his thoughts got rambly, he ended up in the same place. Same planet. Same block. Same coffee shop. The only thing that wasn't the same was the people he'd meet there. Which was just fine with him.

    He sat down, grinned winningly at the body across from him. "Hello!"
    5:42 pm
    He was sitting in a comfortable arm chair, in front of a fire, with his feet propped up on a matching footstool. He had a cup of coffee in hand, cup itself resting on the arm of the chair with his fingers curled around for balance.

    He was dressed exactly as you'd expect him to be, except he wasn't wearing suspenders, and he wasn't wearing a vortex manipulator: he was wearing standard, brown leather cuffs around both wrists. The style wasn't that different than the vortex manipulator had been, actually.

    He was definitely immortal.

    He looked up when someone wandered in with a lazy, comfortable smile. "Hey. "
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