The Yami no Matsuei Drabble Challenge Community
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May 2009
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Back December 3rd, 2007 Forward
Classier than Elvis on Velvet [userpic]
New Challenge: Magic

This week's challenge is: Magic.

Old Challenges

Drabbles on past topics are always welcome. Be sure to include the challenge topic in your subject line, headers, or both. Post unrelated drabbles separately. You can post up to five drabbles together in one post if they are a series.

We're looking for new challenge topics. To suggest a topic, comment here.

I'm considering running a drabble exchange here the week of the 17th, but I'd like some input as to whether people would be interested. The setup would be that, next Monday, I would make a sign-up post. In that post I would list a character and one-word prompt. People would comment to that post with characters and one-word prompts of their own. Each person would write the prompt of the person who commented below them, with the last person to sign up (I'd have a cut-off listed) writing the prompt I put in the original post.

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in doing, comment to this post.

Back December 3rd, 2007 Forward