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Back October 29th, 2007 Forward
Classier than Elvis on Velvet [userpic]
New Challenge: Beast

To complement last week's challenge, this week's challenge is Beast.

Old Challenges

Remember, drabbles on past topics are welcome. Be sure to include the challenge topic in your subject lines, headers, or both. Please post unrelated drabbles separately. Up to five related drabbles can be posted in one post.

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Classier than Elvis on Velvet [userpic]

Title: Inheritance
Author: Rana Eros
Challenge: Beast
Author's Notes: [info]lady_ganesh recently made a request that I write more of my Yami no Schwarz fusionverse, with the theme of "destined," which gave shape to this particular beast. This one could be set at any point in that narrative. Betaed by elizacakeEliza.


Tsuzuki eats demons. They're not as tasty as pastry, but sometimes they leave him pretty gifts, dark wings and sharp teeth. He admires the gifts, then puts them away for later use. Hisoka likes when they can blend in and attack without warning.

Then a demon comes to Tsuzuki with purple eyes, wearing his own face, and says, "Asato."

"Who are you?" he asks, though the smell tells him.

"Your sire. You've done very well, but--"

"We share blood."

The demon frowns, says impatiently, "Yes."

"Share your blood with me." Tsuzuki strikes.

It's an exhilirating match; the blood, unexpectedly sweet.


Back October 29th, 2007 Forward