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Gossip Bitch

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TIP #472 | [14 Apr 2014|06:18pm]
Looks like the rumors might actually be true! Our favorite A-List Triple Threat finally decided to end things with his ex-ballerina girlfriend. New projects, new girlfriend, G? A litle birdie saw an angel sneak into his room the other night and didn't leave until after breakfast, not sure her knight in shining armor would approve of that, but he's been pretty MIA himself. Oh well, we fully support two A Lister's hooking up, rather then slumming with nobodies. Rumor has it that it ended ugly, but who would be surprised with the hot mess that our once pristine wannabe ballerina has become. She might be walking again, but that limp is still noticeable and once can only imagine the salt in the open wound it is to be dating a triple threat who can dance literal circles around her now. Don't even get me started on what a ray of sunshine she must have been, seeing her old partner dancing with his new partner in crime. Don't worry R, I'm sure someone has use for a broken ballerina. Kisses!

You know you love me.

#tips #roryrevnik #garrettcavelli #nacolamenunos #noelailil #reilandfoster #jessinagram #breakups&hookups
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