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Gossip Bitch

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VIDEO UPDATE | TIP # 215 [14 Mar 2013|08:11pm]
Looks like America's favorite son is hiding more than one 'bare all' episodes from the world. Wonder if daddy knows his golden boy has veered off the straight and narrow and is instead headed down the path of least resistance...and even less clothing. Why wear a shirt at all, little Hardy? Just let us know next time so we can have a front row seat.


I don't know about you all, but it certainly feels hot in here to me.

#closetstripper #dallashardy #badboys

**OOC: Let's just say other guy's from Glee are in it besides Dallas okay? (Feel free to have one of your boys be one; just post it in the comments!) And less with weighing/measuring, more just running around working out while practicing the song. ;)
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