There Was Crack, And It Was Good. - January 9th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
There Was Crack, and It Was Good.

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January 9th, 2009

Fanart: Karupin is the Prince [PoT] [Jan. 9th, 2009|08:43 pm]


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This fanart was done in time for Christmas for [info]silver_lined, but unfortunately I didn't have her address so she only got the card three months late, by the time she already long ago left the Tenipuri fandom for JE. :|

Ryoma feels left out. ): )
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Fanart: Smex You Up [PoT: Atobe/An] [Jan. 9th, 2009|08:55 pm]


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I blame this one entirely on [info]kirayukari! ♥

I also can't point this out enough: ENTIRELY, COMPLETELY, UTTERLY NOT WORKSAFE.


Smex You Up. >D )

Edit: Totally forgot to add: yes, reference was used for the poses. One of those tiny images you see on hentai sites. I have no idea where I got it from, actually. >_>

*goes hide now*
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Fanfic: Tennis and Kissing [Momo/An] [Jan. 9th, 2009|08:58 pm]


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Title: Tennis and Kissing
Author/Artist: [info]kalamity_kat
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Momoshiro Takeshi/An Tachibana
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own the Prince of Tennis characters, Konomi-sensei does. I am not making any profit from this--please don't sue.
Warnings: Can you say sap? And het. OOCness, though I hope not much. u_u

Fanart Preview: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Momo likes cute girls, but he thinks he likes An best of them all. )

Fanart as a bonus: maybe a bit on the suggestive side, so not completely worksafe. :/ )
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