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Family Secret Storyline Community

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[15 Apr 2017|04:13pm]
This community is for existing players and prospective players to join and seek lines. It is open membership, so anyone interested can join.
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[15 Apr 2017|04:21pm]
Grandfather #2, Aubrey, pb John Noble.

He is married to a black woman of colour - biracial is also fine. Looking for his wife, children and grandchildren in game. I have pb suggestions for his wife, though I am open to other options, but am very open on the other characters. Though his wife is black, I wouldn't mind one son where his genes won the lottery, so for cliche reasons I'd love Jonny Lee Miller or Joshua Jackson for that role.
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[15 Apr 2017|04:31pm]
Meredith is the wife of the eldest son of family #1, [info]mattcurtis, she's in a poly relationship with [info]dearveronica and [info]oliverwarren, Veronica's husband.

Looking for her eldest son, and possibly one or two other children in that family.
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Characters currently being sought. [15 Apr 2017|04:33pm]
Please note - the only playable characters are the Curtis family and their significant others - though the significant others need only be intended, they don't have to be in a relationship to be brought in but they should have one in the works.

If you have any questions, you can comment to this post or to the screened dropbox in the mod journal. Anonymous comments are screened on this post.

At present, we are not looking for any characters as Alec Curtis's children. They are all currently filled. There may be some significant others, and Aubrey Curtis's family is still very open - he has two children in play so far.

Characters we seem to have lost in the downtime/unexpected hiatus - we would like to fill these roles if possible. Let us know if you are still here or still interested in the role, as well. All of the roles below are currently filled, held or in discussion.

Or if you are a current player not at the maximum of five characters, if you'd be interested in any of these roles:

First family: Grandfather is pbed by Charles Dance. Looking for the grandmother if there is interest.

Eldest and younger sons (two characters) of [info]meredithcurtis and [info]mattcurtis Open to another child or two in that family as well.

All but two ([info]sebcurtis and [info]alecwarren) of [info]dearveronica (eldest daughter of family #1) and her husband [info]oliverwarren's children. Open to more there, both boys and girls.

Daughter-in-law (and her husband) of the first Curtis family. It may be possible to swap this out and make her a daughter of the family if the previous player is no longer interested, as well. Held.

Another daughter. She was to be played as a single mother of twins, but unless the previous player is still around and interested, she is an open book character wise. Would prefer this character to have a husband as the one above likely won't have one. Held, but the character has changed.

Another son, he had a wife in discussion as well. His pb was to be Michael Fassbender if anyone is interested in bringing him. I believe the wife's player is still interested in that role as well. In discussion. If this character is not picked up, the status will change.

There are also a set of twins (pbs Justin Hartley and Ioan Gruffudd), and I believe one of them is looking for an adopted child, but I'm not sure.

There is also the full family of grandfather #2 Aubrey Curtis (pb John Noble). He is looking for his wife, a black or biracial woman of colour, he has one daughter in game, but the children and grandchildren of his family are completely open. PB suggestions for his wife are available from him (his journal is [info]aubreycurtis) but otherwise he is very open on the pbs for the rest of his family.
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