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Jun. 21st, 2010


Who: Z and Greta
Where: Equipment sheds by the Quidditch Pitch
When: 23 December, late in the morning
What: Mysterious Goings-On in the Broom Shed

Greta hadn't figured out yet whether the rattling cupboard in her office contained a pair of restless Bludgers or something more ominous, but she definitely wasn't planning to figure it out on her own. She'd already found a Snitch hiding under her desk that morning, and it had nearly taken one of her fingers off before she'd managed to trap it under a teapot and wrestle it into safe confinement.

She was still investigating her desk for other potential hazards when the referee's whistle that had been quietly hanging by the door suddenly lifted itself into the air and let out a series of sharp, piercing shrieks.

"Intruder in the broom shed," it cried, "alert, alert, intruder -" Greta hit it with a Silencing spell as quickly as she could and jogged out of her office, heading for the equipment sheds to investigate.


Where: Ryan's office
When: Tuesday evening, 22 December
What: Ryan meets his new TA

Ryan was pacing restlessly. He stooped, waving his wand over a messy pile of books to straighten their edges together neatly before sighing ruefully. How could his desk have gotten so messy over just a few months of his starting the position? One day he'd have to go through and sort everything the Muggle way, which he wasn't looking forward to. That day wasn't today.

"Better make some tea for Miss Berg," he thought, and tore into a new packet of tea, breathing deeply as he set the kettle on to boil. Gazing around his room and the stacks of essays he'd yet to mark, he admitted to himself that he probably did need an assistant. And if it had to be anyone, well -- Miss Berg was competent enough, and at least they'd have a chance to become acquainted before he got her a gift for the Secret Santa present exchagne.

Jun. 16th, 2010


WHO: Brendon & Adam & anyone else who wants to go caroling
WHERE: The entrance hall of the castle and Hogsmeade village
WHAT: Caroling and the spreading of CHEER to all and sundry.
WHEN: Christmas Eve (Thursday, Dec. 24)

Adam hadn't bothered to attend any kind of dress rehearsal for caroling. Especially since Professor Urie's idea of caroling seemed to involve costumes and sequins and this was not Mardi Gras, it was caroling. Also, Urie's owl had said something about the dress part of dress rehearsal.

Urie could wear all the dresses he wanted, but Adam wanted no part of that. It was too cold for dresses, besides.

He arrived in the entrance hall a bit earlier than intended, but since he and Urie were in charge of this whole thing, it was just as well. He sat down on the steps to wait for more people to arrive so they could head off caroling.

Jun. 14th, 2010


Who: Z and Gerard and a pack of other unfortunate older students
When: December 20th
Where: The Forbidden Forest
What: Gathering Fuel for the Yule Bonfire

Gerard still had a lot of misgivings about this plan. Surely the professors could be the ones to go searching through the Forbidden Forest for the appropriate fuel for a bonfire, but when he'd approached Schechter about it, the Headmaster had just flapped a hand absently and told Gerard that the holiday magic would prevail and that the innocence of the students was an absolute necessity. And then he'd gone sprinting off after that damned wooden reindeer again, hat flapping in the breeze. Yes, terribly reassuring, Gerard didn't think.

Now he had to lead a pack of teenagers through a Class-Q Magical Forest in search of untouched Yule timbers, and hope he didn't lose any of them to winter nixies, or hoarspiders, or Merlin knew what else. Peachy.

He stamped his feet in the snow sullenly and took another drag of his cigarette. He'd posted the notice to the student House Boards last night, and if no one showed up, he was just going to assume he was on his own for wood-collecting duties and enlist one of the nixies to help do his bidding. He was reasonably sure he could tame one if he just got enough hawthorne berries. That didn't sound half bad, actually. Surely nixies were relatively innocent, in the long run.

But no, there the students were now, tromping towards him through the snow, looking like sodden, unhappy crows in their school robes. As Gerard peered at them and scented the breeze, he abruptly felt much, much better about the proceedings. Maybe this evening wasn't going to be complete crap after all.

"Z!" he called excitedly, waving his lit cigarette like a beacon. "How in Hades did you get roped into this mess? I thought you had better sense than that."


Who: Everyone is invited to attend
When: December 20th - December 21st
Where: The Great Hall, Entrance Hall, and Courtyard
What: Yule Vigil

On the longest night of the year, all lights in the castle will be doused with the exception of one main bonfire in the Great Hall, which will burn throughout the night. The vigil is a time for reflection on the past year, preparing to face the new year to come. Those who keep it will not sleep until after they watch the sunrise.

Since this is an all-night event, feel free to start multiple threads and jump around as you wish. It's a good time for telling stories, remembering lost friends, making amends, setting new goals, and resolving to change for the better. No one is required to attend or to stay for the entire night if they do not wish to do so.

The bonfire is in the Great Hall, but the doors are open to the Entrance Hall, which will spill enough light outside that people can mingle there. The Entrance Hall is an easier place to have more animated conversations without disturbing the solemnity of those gathered in the Great Hall to reflect in the firelight. The Courtyard is lit by the moon and stars, and is a good place to go for those who feel the desire to commune with nature, or who need a breath of fresh air.

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