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Aug. 3rd, 2009


Who: Ryland and William
Where: Ryland's suite
When: Just before dinner
What: Investigating Making introductions

William left early for dinner. There was still work to be done, of course, but at this point there always was, and he'd learned that if he didn't make time for meals, the house elves had no compunctions about serving him cold stew. He stacked the last untouched crate of books on top of his desk by the door and, after a brief moment of thought, turned his steps away from the Great Hall in another direction entirely.

Mr. Blackinton's suite was as simple and elegant on the outside as might be expected of a Hogwarts History of Magic professor. William held his wand to the door to announce himself, hesitated, and then gave a more traditional light rap on the door with his knuckles.

Aug. 2nd, 2009


Who: Ryland and Pete
When: Early afternoon
Where: Kitchen fireplace
What: Ryland's arrival

Ryland sent everything else on ahead, so all he was holding, besides a handful of floo powder, was one small bag and Ripley's empty cage. His mother watched him skeptically from the middle of the living room. The new headmaster was nice enough to temporarily add his parents to the floo network, since that kind of thing didn't usually run to the outskirts of Muggle London.

"You could have just ridden the train with your brother," she said. Ryland had already explained how floo powder works at least ten times, but she still seemed to think he was going to be eaten alive by her perfectly nice brick fireplace.

"Had enough of that train to last me a lifetime," Ryland said. He made a face, then smiled at her. "I'll send an owl after Conner arrives, everything will be fine. I love you."

He blew his mother a kiss, then tossed the floo powder into into the fire and stepped into the green flames, loudly announcing "Hogwarts."

A moment later, he was blinking at the Hogwarts kitchen. And Pete Wentz.

He stepped out of the fireplace and shoved his hair off his forehead. "Hello."

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