September 29th, 2010

[info]jnols in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: John and Victoria
When: Friday after classes
Where: Outside of the History of Magic classroom

With the end of his first week as Professor coming to a close, John was practically skipping towards his rooms to gather his things for a weekend trip into Hogsmeade.  His plans were to meet up with his best friend, Jesse Lacey, for some celebration that included gallivanting about and consuming lots of fire whiskey.  It had been a while since he'd been feeling social, so the owl from Jesse alerting him that he was traveling in London was unexpected but much appreciated.

A quick trip into the hospital wing was really his last stop before taking off.  Knowing he had to be back Monday morning for the staff meeting as he'd missed this week's, he wanted to procure an anti-hangover potion.  He made his way down to the first floor and peeked into Bob Bryar's office, hoping he might catch him.  Unfortunately, he wasn't there, so John decided he would just have to limit his alcohol intake on Sunday.  Only slightly discouraged, he made his way back towards the stairs to go up and grab his things.

Merging with a herd of students who were just leaving a classroom, he overheard them talking about Defense Against the Dark Arts and realized that must be Adam's classroom.  He didn't exactly tip-toe past the door, but he didn't want to be noticed, either.  He ducked his head and stuck with the students, nearly running over a brunette who had just come out of the classroom nearest Adam's.

"Excuse me," he said, nodding at her.  He took a moment to give her a once-over and realized there was no way she was a student.  "I'm sorry for our near collision, I wasn't really looking where I was going."  He cast a glance back at Adam's doorway to make sure they didn't have an audience.  "I'm Professor Nolan," he said, smiling at her and extending his hand.