August 31st, 2010

[info]watchfuleye in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Gerard and William
When: January 3rd or so?
Where: The library
What: Post-traumatic werewolf disorder

With the students returning, there was slightly more to be done in the library than there had been for the last month. William had put the necessary class texts on hold, placed another literature request with the headmaster, and was re-sizing some of the bookshelves to better suit the needs of the collections they housed.

It still wasn't nearly enough to keep him distracted from thoughts of the past few days.

The sight of movement in the doorway made him tense and move half-behind the nearest shelf before cautiously looking out. It wasn't Z, for which he was grateful - Bob had declared him patched up and released him from the infirmary with nothing more than a few dull aches, but he still had no desire to get into another fight. It was, however, someone nearly as unfortunate. Gerard.

Gerard, the secret werewolf.

[info]cursebroken in [info]from_the_ashes

High crimes and misdemeanors

Who: Victoria and Adam
What: Victoria needs to have a chat with the DADA professor about student conduct
When: Wednesday, January 13, evening
Where: Adam's office

Victoria Asher was quite the formidable sight when annoyed, and anyone looking at her as she strode down the halls of Hogwarts on Wednesday evening could hardly miss that she was annoyed. She was headed directly for the DADA office, practically dragging a fourth-year student who had better sense than to protest. Whatever she'd said to the lad, or more likely whatever she'd caught him at, before hauling him up to see Professor Lazzara had cowed him so much he wasn't issuing even a peep of protest.

As Victoria came to the door, she stopped short, so quickly that the poor boy almost tripped over her feet and his own. He regained his balance while Victoria rapped sharply on Adam's office door, her expression reflecting both clear impatience at having to wait on Adam to open it and the amount of trouble she expected her charge to be in immediately afterward: a lot.