August 25th, 2010

[info]mfway in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Mikey & Adam
When: Evening of Tues, Jan 12th?
Where: Adam's Office
What: Checking up on the injured dude

Mikey knocked on the door to Adam's office as carefully as he could, mindful of the two mugs of coffee and the packet of chocolate Hobnobs balanced in his arms. It was a delicate art, carrying and knocking. As was working out what exactly he was going to say if Adam was interested in talking. 'Sorry I didn't tell you I had a boyfriend for a few months, but hey, I guess that's kind of old news now you've been bitten by a werewolf, huh?'

Maybe they could just sit in silence. Or maybe Mikey could leave the coffee outside the door and go back to his own office.

But both of those plans were shitty cowardly ones, and regardless of anything (and everything), he kind of needed to see Adam. The last time he'd lain eyes on him for more than thirty seconds had been when he'd come into the Hospital Wing early in that gritty morning after. Adam had just been lying there, pale and motionless in sleep, and Mikey had felt so abruptly sick that he'd turned and left before he could even sit down.

He stayed where he was and after a moment's deliberation, called out: "Hey, it's me. Mikey."