August 23rd, 2010

[info]lzzr in [info]from_the_ashes

WHO: Adam & Gabe
WHERE: Adam's office/rooms
WHAT: Gabe putting porridge down Adam's pants?
WHEN: Wednesday, January 13, during their mutual free period.

Adam was hiding. Still. It was just better to stay in his office and avoid people rather than go out and be somewhere he might run into Gerard. Or Mikey, or - fuck, Gabe, who had thought that Adam was a werewolf and that was clearly, clearly not true.

Staying in his office was the best form of hiding, and if anyone asked, he totally had an excuse. He was researching. He was working on his report! He was looking things up for Z! Honestly! He was totally not hiding at all.

Nevermind that most of the time he didn't even have a book open or a quill out. Nevermind that most of his time spent alone in his office was spent dozing, or standing in his room looking anxiously at the healing bite-mark on his neck. (He could look at the one on his hand whenever he wanted. It required a lot less high-necked clothing.)