February 25th, 2010

[info]ex_waylaid211 in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Gerard and Audrey (the non-Tentacula one)
When: Tuesday afternoon (12/1)
Where: outside the Divination classrom
What: Welcome to Hogwarts! Please mind the blood-curdling jinxes and zombie elf remnants.

Class should be ending soon, Gerard thought, listening to the scuffling in the room overhead. The trapdoor would fall any moment, and the students would make their escape. Well. Maybe escape wasn't quite fair; Gerard hadn't really gotten a chance to meet the new professor, but no one could possibly be worse than Trelawney, with all the incense and rot. Gerard had only caught the drapes on fire once, and it clearly hadn't been his fault, but the woman had treated him like a pyromaniac or something for years afterwards. And ugh, the amount of tea she'd made them all drink, sickening. Not that Gerard didn't appreciate caffeine -- he just preferred not to drink watery, bland rubbish and then poke around the dregs for hours searching for enlightenment about the future. Surely coffee grinds would have worked just as well, but Trelawney'd acted like Gerard had suggested murdering children and poking about their entrails when he'd brought it up.

Anyway, he couldn't smell any incense or any other kind of smoke wafting down from the classroom now, so that was definitely a point in Professor Kitching's favor. He'd spotted her notice in the staffroom that morning as he'd refreshed his flask of coffee and he'd thought, hell, might as well lend a hand, right? Welcome the new staff to the castle and all, share with them the joys of living amongst bizarre curses and potential undead doom. Plus, well, it wouldn't hurt to scope things out. Very likely she wasn't a polyjuiced Death Eater or anything of the sort, but it never hurt to check. Gerard had some free time between monitoring the wards on the western grounds and his chess date with Betsy and Bob at 4; skulking around the North tower and the surrounding environs could definitely be penciled in.

He tapped his foot against the floor and pondered whether or not he had time to sneak a cigarette. There was a window right there -- but no, Schechter would probably somehow sense it and come flapping down from the headmaster's office and feed Gerard to the squid or something.