February 23rd, 2010

[info]chicagobarefeet in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Gerard & Jon
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Some random countryside?
What: Now there's a question that needs answering...

It took Jon about twenty minutes to realize that he wasn't supposed to be on this particular road. Actually, he wasn't supposed to be anywhere near a road at all. It's a little fuzzy, but he recalled being a bit worried that he hadn't seen hide nor hair (ha!) of his damned dog all day. When he'd gotten around to seeing if anyone had, most of the adults had been notoriously unavailable.

That, Jon realized, should have been his first clue.

He winced as a rock dug into the bottom of his flip-flop. The road, unpaved, was deeply rutted and definitely not conducive to his chosen footwear. Digging the offensive item out, Jon nearly tipped over when a sudden burst of muted music sounded from up ahead. A second later, he noticed a small cave buried into the hillside. Already wary, Jon crept closer until he was standing right at its mouth.


He was about to turn away when the noise came again. Definitely music. Cautiously, Jon stuck his head into the cave a little.
