February 16th, 2010

[info]misterfixit in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Bob and Brendon
When: Tuesday morning, December 1st
Where: Mysterious warded room and various works of art.
What: Lost! Lost in lala painting (and tapestry) land!

Having spent the majority the the past two weeks cooped up in the hospital wing and avoiding the wrath of Lazzara (though honestly, Bob didn't know why the man had been so upset about Bob's solution to get him out of Bob's hair), Bob had decided that it was high time to venture out into the world. Also, Betsy had gone out wandering the day before and had yet to return and, alright, Bob worried a bit too much about his cat sometimes. He felt completely justified about this, however—there weren't many cats that could play chess quite so well as Betsy, and she was especially nice company on cold winter nights, such as the sort that were fast approaching.

Still, Bob wasn't about to let on to anyone know just how attached he was to his cat. Thus the reason why he was doing his searching at a time when everyone should either be in class or, well, in class. Ah, the advantages of being a member of the support staff.

Bob started checking the rooms in the hall he was in, opening doors and quickly poking his head in to do a quick search. While he didn't expect to find Betsy in any of these, since clever as she was, she had yet to acquire opposable thumbs, but there was still the possibility that she'd accidentally been trapped after following someone in. He was about to declare this hall a wash when a flash of color in an otherwise dark room caught his eye. Hesitating slightly, Bob cautiously entered, raising his wand and lighting it with a weak Lumos.

At first he couldn't figure out what in the room had caught his attention in the first place, but as he went further in, he noticed a large painting on the wall opposite the door. The subject was, oddly enough, of a dairy maid pouring milk from a pail into a canister, while a cat danced around her feet, no doubt trying to trip her up and cause her to spill some milk for it. A somewhat odd subject for a painting in Hogwarts, but not unheard of. The thing that caught Bob's attention and caused him to freeze up with dread, was that the cat looked just like Betsy from its tortoiseshell markings to its tufted tail and ears. Could Betsy have gotten caught in the painting? This was Hogwarts, after all, and stranger things had happened in the past.

Feeling sick, Bob moved closer, examining the painting with a keener eye, now, noticing other details now. A discarded shoe under a stack of hay, a pink ribbon caught on a splintered post, a man in the distance on the verge of entering the forest. It was the man that drew Bob's attention now, looking vaguely familiar in a way that worried and niggled at his mind. Moving closer still, Bob saw that the man was glancing back over his shoulder, back and straight out through the frame of the painting, with a worried look and a gaze so intense Bob would have glanced over his own, had he not at that moment finally recognized and placed the face. It was his own.

And suddenly there were trees all around him and he was stumbling backwards in shock and dismay.