February 9th, 2010

[info]mfway in [info]from_the_ashes

Owl to Auror Way

[Sent late Monday Evening (23rd Nov)]


Adam says you owe him some cigarettes and seems strangely agitated about this. According to him it was just teenage hormones and skin problems that had him up in the hospital wing the other week but reading between the lines I'm pretty sure it was actually stress from the outstanding loan issue. I think you should go talk to him and square things up before it gets out of hand. He's prone to wandering off into the Forest late at night on his own when he's upset (he may try and pass these suicidal jaunts off to you as legitimate unicorn searches -- do not believe him).

All the best,

Your favourite brother.

PS. It's probably best if you don't let him know you're coming.
PPS. Cigarettes not actual issue.
PPPS. If you have to pull on his hair again please make sure he knows not to tell me about it afterwards.