January 2nd, 2010

[info]thereal_mccoy in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Hayley and Travie
When: Mid-afternoon, Thursday 11/5
Where: Hayley's office thingy
What: Talkin' about some zombehs

After ducking out of and rescheduling two appointments, Travie figured he should cut the Ministry lady some slack. Well, she figured he should cut her some slack, and had cornered him and said as much that morning at breakfast. As a good Gryffindor, he just couldn't resist the slight damsel-in-distress overtone of her entreaty to please meet with her as she was just trying to do her job so she could get out of everyones' hair.

So he was keeping this appointment. It wasn't that he minded psychologists, he just didn't feel like rehashing all the zombie business again. Stay calm, carry on, have a cup of tea; it was practically written in his British, British genetics to resist long sobfests about the past. Okay, and maybe he minded psychologists a little.

Travis spent the walk to the guest quarters rehearsing and rearranging his explanation of the house elves so it would be as concise and quick as possible. Ms. Williams could get her job done and Travie could get back to his and they could carry the hell on. He knocked, shoved his hands in his pockets, and tried not to feel so very much like a kid waiting outside the headmaster's office for disciplining.