December 1st, 2009

[info]ex_waylaid211 in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: The Brothers Way
When: early Saturday morning
Where: The Great Hall and beyond
What: the beginnings of a list and the start of a search (and a bit of elf-whomping, to boot)

Gerard muzzily realized that there was something off about the angle of the light streaming in his window, and then he snapped awake, heart pounding. The Great Hall, he was in the Great Hall, and there had been house elves, and children being bitten, and -- he opened his eyes and felt his entire body relax. Mikey's slack sleeping face was right in front of his, brow furrowed and hair sticking in every direction, alive and healthy. Gerard dropped his wand and burrowed closer to him, breathing in his brother's familiar scent.

He had a vague memory of getting the last feverish student to sleep around 3 AM, and then staggering over to find Mikey. Mikey had been so quiet after he'd gotten back from the greenhouses. Something had happened out there, Gerard could tell, but he hadn't had time to worm whatever it was out of his brother, too busy reassuring panicked first years and trying to get their wounds to stay healed for more than two or three hours. By the time he'd gotten a few moments free, he hadn't been capable of anything more than collapsing into the space between Mikey and Spencer, pressing his face into his brother's shoulder and stealing his pillow.

Apparently Mikey hadn't held the pillow-theft against him; Gerard had fallen asleep huddled in his own robes and woken up snug in a bat-patterned sleeping bag. It was just barely dawn and Gerard was pondering falling back asleep in his supremely comfortable sleeping accoutrements when he heard a small, pained whimper from the other side of the room. Fuck. There went that plan.

Problem was, Spencer apparently shared some traits with Venemous tentaculas when he slept -- his arm was snaked so far across Gerard's back it had almost reached Mikey's shoulder. Gerard didn't really mind, per se, but it did make it difficult to stealthly eel out of his sleeping bag without waking anyone. Luckily, both Spencer and Mikey seemed pretty zonked -- Spencer was actually snoring a bit, Gerard noticed as he wriggled carefully out of the bag and into the cold morning air. It was kind of cute. Fuck, he'd have really preferred to stayed put where it was warm for another hour or two, but he had a sneaking suspicion that some of the kids' bite-wounds had re-opened by now. He sniffed the air -- yeah, there was the slightest hint of decay beneath the fireplace smoke and whomping willow bark. 

He suppressed a sigh and padded over to the supply of coffee waiting at the head of the Ravenclaw table, brewing himself a quick cup and inhaling it gratefully before he headed to the make-shift infirmary by the Hufflepuff table.