November 28th, 2009

[info]sisforsmith in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Mikey and Spencer
When: Friday night
Where: The Great Hall.
What: Ill-advised reconnaissance missions.

"There you go," Spencer said, and Eli Torres grinned at him and climbed into the freshly conjured sleeping bag with a sleepy, "Night, Professor." Spencer turned away, tucking his wand aside and rubbing his eyes tiredly, taking stock of the room again. Most of the kids were sleeping or tucked up in bed by now, the adults scattered around the room talking in low voices or taking care of students. Outside, there was a rhythmic thump as a house elf threw themselves against the door or wall or what-the-fuck-ever, and the low, familiar sound of groaning, but it was almost background noise now, which was disturbing enough in itself.

Spencer's eyes lit upon Gerard in with a group of the injured students, wand out, and he frowned, crossing his arms a little. Gerard was doing his best, and he was a much better healer than Spencer had seen amongst other aurors -- and his parents made friends almost exclusively in their workforce -- but they were short on supplies, ridiculously so, and there was no safe way to get up to the Hospital Wing.

Spencer turned slightly, walking through the long room with his hands in his pockets and thinking. It was dark outside, which would be good and bad. There were still house elves crawling all over the ground, but it was dark now, and Spencer could move a lot more quietly without herding a bunch of students with him. "Hmmn," he said, and then he looked up and searched the room until he could catch Mikey's eyes. He hadn't gotten a chance to talk to him properly since they'd arrived breathlessly with a mob of students in the Great Hall, any more than a grin and a slight wave; now, he raised his eyebrows and jerked his head to the side, in the universal gesture of can I borrow you for a moment?