November 4th, 2009

[info]inyrbasemnt in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Gabe and Adam
When: Wednesday evening
What: Hey, nice wolf, wanna collaborate in a potions experiment?
Where: Where Adam is. Where is Adam? Is Adam in his room? (Maybe this should go under "what".)

Sure, Gabe enjoyed chaos as much as the next guy, and there was an inherent hilarity to seeing his lynx carrying a turtle in her mouth even as Gabe dragged one of his third-years along by his collar for a talking-to, but it was still kind of a relief when the extended-by-issues dinnerhour was over.

Tricky to say, but Gabe thought he probably had somewhere between half an hour and a full one before he needed to be back in Slytherin, putting out fires (possibly literally; one of the sixth years had a magical salamander, and boy was she smug about it). Now that the virus was dealt with, there was another potions project Gabe had been neglecting that he should really get back to. Because who knew when another emergency would crop up and eat what passed for spare time around here.

With that in mind, he set off from the Great Hall with full intent to locate Professor Lazzara. In private, preferably.