October 29th, 2009

[info]peteypan in [info]from_the_ashes

who: Pete & William
what: furries!
where: Pete's quarters
when: wednesday, a few minutes before first period

Pete was accustomed to sleeping in late when he had first period free (for all values of late where late equals "four hours after he fell asleep"), so he was still putting the finishing touches on his newly regrown hair when he felt a weird sort of...not a tingle, really, and certainly not a physical twitch, but more of a mental click. And then, when he turned around, there was an enormous lion sitting placidly behind him.

Enormous. Lion.

Seated as it was, its shoulders were almost as high as Pete's.

"Well," Pete said, blinking at it. He wasn't exactly used to enormous and non-geographically-appropriate animals showing up mysteriously in his quarters, but this one seemed non-threatening enough, so. Almost familiar, even. He tilted his head at the lion, and the lion tilted his head right back, mirroring it.

He did what any good Gryffindor would do, after he adjusted his stance and his grip on his wand and waited a good five minutes for the lion to attack him. He owled a Ravenclaw.

More specifically, he groped for a bit of paper and scribbled william I have a bit of a situation. make haste, and then sent it off with his oddly unruffled owl.

[info]brozencrantz in [info]from_the_ashes

who: pete and ryland
when: lunch
where: by the lake!
what: totally not gay picnic

Ryland thought this was very possibly the most insane day of his life. And it wasn't even lunch yet. A school full of children plus the sudden addition of furry, in the flesh, corporeal Partronii was, to put it mildly, a complete cluster fuck.

All of that added up to Ryland being extremely pleased to receive an owled invitation to lunch from Pete. There were no students at the lake. Only Pete, Ryland, Ryand's greyhound, and Pete's lion, which Ryland was dearly hoping was just as large as the students had described it.

"I believe we're going on a picnic, Reginald," he told his very large, very well groomed Patronus, as he scribbled a reply and tied it to the owl's leg. Reginald blinked from where he was sitting by Ryland's feet and shifted around minutely, offering Ryland his ears to scratch behind. Ryland obliged. "How do you feel about lions?"