October 27th, 2009

[info]chicagobarefeet in [info]from_the_ashes

[owl to William]

(mid-morning, Thursday (10/8))


no go on the jarvey. we made it about halfway up the hill and no matter how much i tried, he refused to come any closer to the castle.

sorry i couldn't be more help will try to come up with something else


[info]sisforsmith in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: William and Spencer
Where: Greenhouses
When: After dinner
What: Dreamwalking

Spencer's hand slipped a little pouring water into pots, and the screechsnaps set up an unholy shriek of betrayal. Even so, it took Spencer a moment to blink and work out what was going on, and by the time he jerked the water away, they were giving a good impression of beings in unimaginable agony, rather than having a little too much water.

"Oh, grow up," Spencer said, mumbling a charm that had the excess water soaked up from their soil. He added some extra fertilizer as a pacifying device and rolled his eyes at the contented humming that came from the pots. Goddamn screechsnaps. He was torn between enjoying them greatly and wanting to methodically shred them up himself from day to day.

The sound of someone walking outside caught his attention, and he wandered over the door, opening it and peering out into the dark. "William?" he called, a little surprised. "Is that you?"

[info]chicagobarefeet in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Gabe and Jon
Where: Gabe's office
When: Saturday morning
What: double, double toil and trouble?

It was really kind of dark down in the basement and there's a moment when Jon's decided that wandering down in the bowels of the castle maybe wasn't such a good idea, even it it was for a good cause (hopefully). That thought's confirmed half a second later, when something brushed against his leg. Half a second later after that, Tom's wet nose made a smear across Jon's palm and had him shouting, "Jesus, Tom, warn a guy!"

Once his heartbeat had settled down, Jon glared down at the dog and said, "Just for that you should tell me where Saporta's office is." Tom huffed and sat down instead. Pinching the bridge of his nose in irritation, Jon tried again, "Tom, come on." The dog settled onto his belly and then flopped over onto his side. Maybe Jon shouldn't have stopped drinking, at least then he'd have a real reason for his headache. A minute later, he finally muttered, "Please." Tom was up and off like a shot before Jon had finished.

He was more than a little out of breath when he rounded the last corner to see Tom sitting in front of a nondescript door. "This is it?" he weezed. Tom yipped and settled back down onto the floor, resting his head on crossed paws. All right then.

Jon raised a hand and knocked on the door. A minute later, when no one answered, he tried again, louder this time. "Saporta? You here?"