October 23rd, 2009

[info]chicagobarefeet in [info]from_the_ashes

WHO: Jon and Adam
WHERE: random hallway
WHAT: um, lunch? also puffs. again.
WHEN: Thursday, lunchtime (10/8)

Although he'd been lucky so far, Jon had just gotten his first real taste of a student unable to do any magic - Janie Sayersaw, sixth year Hufflepuff (and oh man, the Hufflepuffs just looked so horribly sad when they thought they were disappointing him, he could barely stand it) - and he was looking forward to sitting back and relaxing for a few minutes.

Rounding a corner, Jon saw Adam and was about to call out a greeting when he realized the DADA professor was engrossed in cooing at a small ball of fluff curled into his palm. Grinning, Jon said, "They really seem to like baby talk, just, you know, for future reference."

[info]sisforsmith in [info]from_the_ashes

Owl To Professor Walker

Hey Jon,

I haven't spoken to you in a while, heard some weird stuff from some of my students -- is everything alright? Maybe we could meet up sometime, go get a drink. I'm here if you need.

-- S.S.

[info]sisforsmith in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Jon & Spencer
Where: The grounds, down to Hogsmeade
When: Friday night
What: Conversations & such.

Spencer left the greenhouses around seven, wandering across the grounds. It was a cool night, but there was no wind and he didn't feel so bad in his lighter robes -- the cold air on his face woke him up, rather, and that was always good. He pulled his wand out of his pocket and pressed the tip to his temple anyway, murmuring a quiet charm, breathing in sharply with the rush of adrenaline and alertness. It wasn't a good way to keep awake, he knew, and he tried to avoid it, but it was the best thing he had.

Jon's hut was darker than usual, nobody moving inside, and even the Jarvey seemed to be elsewhere. Spencer blinked, shoving his hands in his pockets and considering it in a perplexed sort of way for a little while. He realised after a moment, though, that he had been standing still for too long, mind drifting off quickly like it tended to do.

"Jon?" he called. "You there? Um, somewhere?"