October 21st, 2009

[info]lzzr in [info]from_the_ashes

WHO: Adam and Pete
WHERE: The Staff Lounge
WHAT: Organizing academic activities for magic-less students.
WHEN: Friday afternoon (10/9)

Adam tapped his pen against his teeth. It was kind of an obnoxious noise, since he was rocking a Muggle pen after discovering that quill-and-ink sucked since he couldn't magically siphon ink-blots off the page when he got distracted or started daydreaming and left his quill to linger on the paper for too long. It was just better this way.

"Explain this seating thing to me again, then?" he asked Pete, sliding the latest set of questions he'd been scribbling up across the table for Pete's review. He'd spent all the time he wanted researching in a pseudo productive manner... when he'd more-or-less have preferred to sleep. Now they were just trying their best to keep the students amused. Not that this was really the best idea they could've come up with, but the students needed to learn, and the teachers needed to not go crazy, and. At least one of those things was likely to be accomplished. Adam wasn't really sure which one, however.