October 17th, 2009

[info]mfway in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Adam and Mikey
Where: The Hallways
When: Wednesday night sometime
What: Escapee puffskeins

Mikey swore again as he saw yet another bouncing ball of fluff disappear in a different direction to the one he was chasing. He briefly considered summoning a broomstick and going after them like that, but the last time he'd ridden one of those he'd ended up getting pretty friendly with a tree.

"Shit," he said to himself vehemently. "Shit."

He was pretty tired as it was and the last thing he needed to be doing was chasing puffskeins around in his robes and his clunky boots. If he'd known in advance they were going to make a run for it he would've found some Converse and lost all the stupid black fabric that was currently flapping out behind him. The only upside to the situation was that there didn't seem to be anyone about to witness it all.

He was so busy trying to think of a spell that could magically coral the whole bunch that he almost ran into the corner instead of going round it. Straightening up he then almost ran into a wall on the other side when he realised there was someone else in that section of the corridor.

"Shit," he muttered again, slowing to a walk and trying to look less crazy.