October 12th, 2009

[info]lzzr in [info]from_the_ashes

WHO: Adam and Gabe
WHERE: The Grounds; Coming from Hogsmeade
WHEN: Late Monday Evening (10/5)

Adam was definitely not a fan of walking from the village to the castle in the dark. In fact, he hadn't actually planned on walking anywhere but from the gate straight to his rooms to go back to sleep, but upon attempting to Disapparate to the gates, he'd realized that not only was he absolutely physically exhausted... he was also magically exhausted as well. Again. He'd smoothly explained that he was just going to walk through the village before Disapparting, not wanting to freak out his wife, but walking?

Yeah, it was a bit of a trek, actually. And the gates were giving him shit. He may have sworn at them and they may have gotten a bit angry with him, but no one would ever be able to prove it. Unless the gates suddenly developed the ability to talk, which, considering how Adam's luck had been running the past few weeks... was probably pretty likely.

He finally managed to convince the gates to let him through, with what little magic he could manage leaving him kind of wanting to just take a seat in the grass and sit for a moment. Really, he was going to get up any minute and head the rest of the way in. Seriously. It was just, he was tired. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been this tired, but he was pretty sure he wasn't even this tired when his son was a newborn and never slept. But he manged to get to his feet, managed to continue on down the path, weaving only a little bit, half-asleep on his feet.

Well, at the very least, it was dark enough there wasn't likely to be anyone hanging around on the grounds, and dinner had already passed, so he could sneak in and get a few more hours of sleep and surely be okay by morning. Right?