October 7th, 2009

[info]inyrbasemnt in [info]from_the_ashes

WHO: Gabe and William (with student cameos)
WHERE: Briefly the library, then Gabe's den of sin education
WHAT: An ambush down memory lane
WHEN: Thursday, just before lunch

The two girls - probably seventh year students, judging by stature alone - came into the library on a gust of giggles, a brunette with a blue tie loosely knotted around her neck, and a Slytherin whose original hair colour was probably extremely dull under the welter of streaks natural and non. She wound multi-hued strands of it around a finger as she leaned on the library counter in a reasonable facsimile of winsome; her associate just smiled a little tremulously and handed over a folded scrap of parchment, sealed with a blob of congealed charms.

"Sir--" the Slytherin started, only to be elbowed by her Ravenclaw friend. There followed a flurry of fierce whispering, with occasionally audible bits like, "just die" and "shut up".

Note charmed unopenable to all but William Beckett )