October 5th, 2009

[info]watchfuleye in [info]from_the_ashes

Who: Dallon and William
Where: An empty classroom
When: Tuesday during dinner
What: Investigation and research

The vacant classroom on the third floor, from what William remembered of the clean-up this summer, used to be employed for teaching ballroom dance and etiquette. There wasn't much in it besides a piano, some outdated murals, and a ballet barre. You wouldn't be able to tell that now, however, from the amount of wards and shielding blanketing the door.

"Absit invidia." Let ill will be absent. The headmaster's choice of passwords was ironic as always. Unfortunately, William didn't see much chance of it proving true in this instance, not with the amount of malevolence he could feel as soon as he'd passed through the doorway and into the empty classroom.

There was someone else there, which he also noticed at once, and recognition wasn't far behind. It didn't really surprise him that the headmaster had put Dallon on this particular task as well, not as exceptional as Dallon was at...well, most things. It did give him a very brief twinge, but that was easily shunted aside.

"The headmaster sent me," he told Dallon, although considering both their presences here, he suspected Dallon had already guessed as much. "Do you know what it is?"